Welcome to CICDC

The China-IMF Capacity Development Center (CICDC) is a collaborative venture between the IMF and the People’s Bank of China. The aim of the CICDC is to help build strong economic institutions and foster human capacity development in the IMF’s core areas of expertise, in China and in countries associated with the Belt and Road Initiative.



"Our joint work in this area will focus on building effective policies and institutions as well as strengthening related human capacities. We are very pleased to be a partner in this important initiative. "

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, May 2017


“The PBC has long valued our cooperation with the IMF in capacity development. We believe that establishing a new capacity development center in China is not only in the interests of China and the IMF, but also serve the interests of countries along the "Belt and Road" Initiative.”

PBC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan, May 2017


Upcoming Training Courses & Workshops


Joint Assessor Training (JAT)
Date: 2025-03-03 to 2025-03-07
Location: Shenzhen

Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (MFA)
Date: 2025-03-17 to 2025-03-28
Location: Shenzhen

Corporate Governance in Banking Supervision and Regulation (BRS)
Date: 2025-03-24 to 2025-03-28
Location: Shenzhen

Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies (MCF)
Date: 2025-03-24 to 2025-04-03
Location: Dalian