CICDC Course on Inclusive Growth

December 4 to December 15, 2023

The CICDC presented a course on Inclusive Growth in Shenzhen Training Center, from December 4 to December 15, 2023. The course was delivered by staff from the Institute for Capacity Development Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) onsite. 21 Chinese participants from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and 8 participants from relevant governmental agencies in Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic attended the course. The course enhances participants’ understanding of inclusive growth, and gives them analytical and operational tools to evaluate, measure, and monitor how macroeconomic policies can affect growth, climate change, poverty, inequality, and job creation. 

During the course, the IMF counselors and participants visited Shenzhen Social Security Administration and Tencent. The staff in both institutions introduced their innovation work and relevant policy design in the field of “inclusive growth”. The course was highly received by the participants.